Looking for 12 Nights 3 Star Umrah Package Without Flight without flights? Qiblatain offers the 12 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages without flight at the cheapest price of $569.00 for the pilgrims of the USA. We have included all the services which are required by the pilgrims during the Umrah Pilgrims such as Hotel accommodation, Umrah VISA, and Transportation Services from Jeddah Airport to the Mecca Hotel. We have included the Amjad Al Deafah Hotel and Nusk Al Hijrah Hotels in Mecca and Madinah where pilgrims can stay in the Double/Quad Type rooms for six nights. Our Umrah VISA included in the package is approved by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. The rest of the services i.e. Ziarats and flights are not included in the package.
Looking for 12 Nights 3 Star Umrah Package Without Flight without flights? Qiblatain offers the 12 Nights 3 Star Umrah Packages without flight at the cheapest price of $569.00 for the pilgrims of the USA. We have included all the services which are required by the pilgrims during the Umrah Pilgrims such as Hotel accommodation, Umrah VISA, and Transportation Services from Jeddah Airport to the Mecca Hotel. We have included the Amjad Al Deafah Hotel and Nusk Al Hijrah Hotels in Mecca and Madinah where pilgrims can stay in the Double/Quad Type rooms for six nights. Our Umrah VISA included in the package is approved by the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah. The rest of the services i.e. Ziarats and flights are not included in the package.